Friday, March 30, 2012

Paintball at Hover Park in Finley on Saturday 1, 2012 10:00am

It's that time of year again and I my self have been slacking. Due to coaching a NPL Team and playing with my own team we have been busy. Looking to play some paintball? Every body is welcome to come and go as they please. Bring your own gear and paint and lets play some ball. If you haven't been to Hover before check out some of my earlier blog entries.

See you out there

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Paintball this Saturday 9/28/2011 10:30am

It's been a while since we have played at hover park and we went last Sunday to see the fields conditions. If you played with us or by yourself out there before it was pretty barron, as in the brush and leaves were dead. Now that spring has sprung the course just got a ton better. The brush makes it a whole new course stretching the limitations of the boundaries, additionally there are tons of new bunkers including three house structures with windows. We plan on making two, two story platforms on opposite corners of the field as sniper perches this summer. Anybody willing to donate wood can bring it out with them or we can collect it from you. It's time to get this thing started again and start playing more. With enough people we will have some low cost scenario tourneys when we get enough people! Bring your own paint, air and equipment and play!

Video below shows off the course a little bit

Shoot me and email if you are interested in playing, eveyone is welcome.
We have 5 of us at the moment!

Email: James

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Playing this upcoming Sunday,13th 10.00am

Looks like we will be playing this Sunday, 13th 10am We currently have 6 players and some interest from about 4 others. As always anybody is welcome to come, post how many people you have on the blog or shoot me an email. All the information to get out to the field is on the side bar.

We added some materials last week (barrels, wood palettes ext.) If anybody has any good materials that would be a good fit for the course, let me know or better yet bring them out!
This week im gonna go snap a few pictures of the course so people can see what it is like, this has been a huge request so look for those upcoming posts

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Todays recap

Thanks to all who came out today, we had 19 and played a ton of games, throwing in some team objective games that were successful also. The number in players has doubled it self since we started the blog and I hope the number continues to grow. It's always nice to meet new players with a like minded attitude to play paintball, I'll call today's big team battles a definate success! A LOT of paint was shot :)

As always I'll post sometime this week what days we plan on going next.
Shoot me an email with any questions or use the blog as a way to set up to
times and days you wanna go play even if we arn't.



Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Paintball this Sunday (3/6/2011) Hover Park Finley 10am

Were gonna meet at Hover park around 10am. There is a map and directions on the right side of the blog. As of right now we have 10 including myself. We're gonna start a little practice for supergames ( coming in two months so teams are welcome! Bring who ever you want and let me know if you have any questions on how to get out there!

See you out there


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Playing at Red Dot Paintball Today!

Gonna head out to the Red Dot paintball field today with one extra. From reading their updates there should be quite a few people showing up to play the scenario courses. I'm excited to see what this course is like, I've heard pretty good things..For more information or directions to Red Dot paintball field visit

As for the Hover park games, there are a few people going to play there if you wanted to meet them there. They will be there around 10am.
We will be playing at Hover park next weekend so check back to see what day and time. We should have about 20 people next weekend so bring lots of paint!

The first person to reply to this post gets a free admission and all day air pass to RedDot paintball!